Küçük Aga Konagi
Aksehir, Konya -
1 / 17
About the property
Küçük Aga Mansion is in the center of Konya Aksehir. Nasreddin Hodja Tomb is a 10-minute walk from Iplikçi Mosque.
Hotel policies
After 14:00
Before 12:00
Pets not allowed
No-smoking in the room
Check-in hours
Infants up to the age of 2 are free of charge.
There is no free child policy
Change your dates
Maximum number of people : 2
Bed options
Maximum number of people : 3
Bed options
Maximum number of people : 2
Bed options
Maximum number of people : 2
Bed options
Maximum number of people : 3
Bed options
Maximum number of people : 2
Bed options
- Internet
- Free Wi-fi
- Common areas and all rooms
- Parking
- Free Public Parking Lot
- Parking (Off-site)
- Entertainment Services
- Live music
- Rooms
- Family rooms
- Baby
- Baby chair in the restaurant
- Disabled
- Main entrance is flat
- Other
- Heating
- HotelOffice Services
- Service in the Common Area
- Reception Services
- 24-hour reception
- Safe deposit box
- Cleaning services
- Daily cleaning service
- Dry cleaner
- Working places
- Fax / photocopy
- Scanner
- Printer
- Food & Beverage
- Cafe Bar
- Lobby Bar
- Food service in the room
- Takeaway opportunity
- Outdoor restaurant
- Breakfast room
- Highlights
- Caregiver
- Baby friendly
- Environmentally friendly
- Child friendly
- Disabled friendly
- Town center
- Historical destination
- Romance / Honeymoon
- Design Hotel
- Public places
- Mosque
- Library
- sunbathing terrace
- Terrace
- Tv room
- Common kitchen
- Conference hall
- Meeting room
- Private smoking area
- Lounge
- Winter garden
- Garden
- Yard
Hotel policies
After 14:00
Before 12:00
Pets not allowed
No-smoking in the room
Infants up to the age of 2 are free of charge.
There is no free child policy
Honeymoon couples
- Fruit basket in the room
