Olimpos Vadi Houses
Olimpos, Kumluca, Antalya -
1 / 87
About the property
Denize 2 buçuk kilometre mesafede bulunan işletmemizde, denize ücretsiz servisimiz vardır. İşletmemizde kalan misafirlerimiz, Yanartaş ve tekne turlarına katılabilir, Tahtalı Dağı teleferik yolculuğu, kano etkinliği, amatör dalış, paragliding uçuşlarından ücret dahilinde yararlanabilir.
Hotel policies
After 14:00
Before 11:00
Pets not allowed
No-smoking in the room
Infants up to the age of 2 are free of charge.
There is no free child policy
Change your dates
Maximum number of people : 4
Bed options
Maximum number of people : 3
Bed options
Maximum number of people : 4
Bed options
Maximum number of people : 2
Bed options
Maximum number of people : 3
Bed options
Maximum number of people : 4
Bed options
Maximum number of people : 4
Bed options
Maximum number of people : 5
Bed options
Beach features
- Beachfront
- Public beach
- Sand, gravel mixed beach
- Internet
- Free Wi-fi
- Common areas only
- Parking
- Free Private parking lot
- Parking lot (On site)
- Pool
- Outdoor swimming pool
- Rooms
- Non smoking rooms
- Child
- Kiddie pool
- Cleaning services
- Daily cleaning service
- Disabled
- Disabled ramp
- Health
- Easy access to the hospital (15 minutes)
- Highlights
- Child friendly
- Reception Services
- 24-hour reception
- Express check-in / check-out
- Transportation
- Airport shuttle (paid)
- Transfer service (paid)
- Other
- Heating
- Air conditioning
- Entertainment Services
- Live music
- workshop
- Christmas Event
- Activities
- Live music
- Dive
- Boat tour
- Yoga
- Public places
- sunbathing terrace
- Tv room
- Conference hall
- Lobby
- Garden
- Food & Beverage
- Cafe Bar
- Bar
- Cafeteria
- Lobby Bar
- Restaurant
- Restaurant (A la carte)
- Outdoor restaurant
- Indoor restaurant
- Pool Bar
- Breakfast room
Hotel policies
After 14:00
Before 11:00
Pets not allowed
No-smoking in the room
Infants up to the age of 2 are free of charge.
There is no free child policy
Honeymoon couples
- Wine service in the room
- Room decoration
- Priority reservation at a la carte restaurants
- Extra discount on special massage for couples
- Fruit basket in the room
