1-night stay

Rota Business Hotel Eskişehir

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    About the property
    Eskişehir Tepebaşı'nda konumlanmaktadır.
    Hotel policies
    After 14:00
    Before 12:00
    Pets not allowed
    No-smoking in the room
    Infants up to the age of 2 are free of charge.
    1 child(ren) under the age of 6 are/is free of charge per room
    Valid card types
    Members only rates
    Sign up or register to see up to members only rates, up to 10% discount
    Your search
    Maximum number of people : 2
    Bed options
    Maximum number of people : 3
    Bed options
    Maximum number of people : 2
    Bed options
    • Internet
    • Free Wi-fi
    • Common areas and all rooms
    • Parking
    • Free Public Parking Lot
    • Parking (Off-site)
    • Transportation
    • Bicycle rental
    • Disabled
    • Main entrance is flat
    • Health
    • Rent a car
    • Other
    • Air conditioning
    • Food & Beverage
    • Restaurant (A la carte)
    • Breakfast room
    • Baby
    • Baby cot
    • Baby chair in the restaurant
    • Cleaning services
    • Daily cleaning service
    • Dry cleaner
    • Laundry
    • Ironing service
    • Everyday cleaning service
    • Rooms
    • Family rooms
    • Rooms with connecting doors
    • Non smoking rooms
    • Special welcome service
    • Suitcase
    • Daily newspaper service
    • Reception Services
    • 24-hour reception
    • Safe deposit box
    • Luggage storage
    • Newspapers
    • Express check-in / check-out
    • Valet parking service
    • Highlights
    • Baby friendly
    • No alcoholic beverages
    • Environmentally friendly
    • Child friendly
    • Town center
    • Romance / Honeymoon
    • Public places
    • Mosque
    • Library
    • Elevator
    • Conference hall
    • Lounge
    • Lobby
    • Game room
    • Working places
    • Scanner
    • Business center
    • Projection
    • Flipchat
    • Yaka Mikrofonu
    • Konuşmacı Kürsüsü
    • Photocopy
    Hotel policies
    After 14:00
    Before 12:00
    Pets not allowed
    No-smoking in the room
    Infants up to the age of 2 are free of charge.
    1 child(ren) under the age of 6 are/is free of charge per room
    Valid card types
    Honeymoon couples
    • Room decoration
    • Cake / dessert service in the room
    • Breakfast service to the room one morning
    • Upgrade to a higher class room based on availability
    • Ornament with rose petals
    • Fruit basket in the room
    • Celebration card
    • bed decoration
    • Flower arrangement, themed door and room decoration
    • Fast C/IN
    • Müsaitliğe Göre Erken Giriş Ve Geç Çıkış İmkanı